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Didkovskii V. S. 
Operational energy range calculation of the "carrier - underwater vehicle" system on use of hydroacoustic communication channel in the shallow sea = Розрахунок енергетичної дальності дії системи "носій - підводний апарат" по гідроакустичному каналу зв'язку в мілкому морі / V. S. Didkovskii, O. V. Korzhyk, S. A. Naida // Озброєння та військ. техніка. - 2019. - № 4. - С. 56-64. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - укp.

The paper presents a method for the energy range calculation of a hydroacoustic command-information communication channel, which is formed in the shallow sea by means of the surface ship, a modem of the underwater autonomous vehicle A9 M and the medium of propagation of acoustic waves. The article gives an example, sequence and order of implementation of calculations of energy range of "transmitting-receiving" of messages in given probable circumstances. At the same time the characteristics of the command-information channel, noise loading and influence of reverberation are considered. The calculations use basic features of the shallow sea and their influence on the energy range. The recommendations for the adjustting the basic characteristics of code communication modes are given, and the ways to improve existing techniques for similar directions are showed. Therefore, the purpose of the proposed work is to determine the energy range of the underwater channel of actually existing stations-subscribers of the system "SS - UV" during the exchange of control signals (identification) in the shallow sea in the typical obstacle conditions.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З875


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