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Kovalenko M. 
Development of an device for small power direct current motors testing with electromagnetic excitation / M. Kovalenko, O. Samoylenko // Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія. - 2019. - № 3. - С. 87-93. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

In this paper are presenting the results of practical development, dedicated to the development of an experimental device for the studying of the parameters and characteristics of low-power direct current motors. According to the results, a principal scheme for the testing of these machines based on the microcontroller was developed. Traditional methods for current and voltage measuring, rotation speed have been replaced by modern high-sensitivity sensors. Storing of testing parameters and characteristic's and its further post processing is performed on a semi-automatic mode with the help of personal computer. Also, software has been developed to implement the required test program: no load mode, short circuit mode, etc. This device can provide us to do different types of direct current motor mods: we can test it as motor mode as generator mode. It significantly increases its universality at small overall dimensions. The hardware of the experimental device is mobile, that is, with the help of one it is possible to provide testing of different motors which are situated in different places. As direct current regulators are use PWM which reduce the overall dimensions and increased the reliability of the experimental device due to the rejection of massive rheostats. With the help of its device are investigated some practical characteristics of small power direct current motor. These results are compare with theoretical results.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З261.5


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