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Kuzmin O. 
Model of development and state regulation of activity of higher educational institution (HEI): using experience in management of leading HEI of East Asia / O. Kuzmin, M. Yastrubskyy, H. Tsegelyk // Econ., Entrepreneurship, Management. - 2019. - 6, № 2. - С. 1-11. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

The article studies the positive experience of leading universities in East Asia. The article analyzed the management of the National University of Singapore, which belongs to the strongest higher education in several areas. The University is known as a leading research center in the world, experienced educational institution, which attracts the best students from around the world. Emphasized the high quality of educational services of the University, provided a number of effective factors combine to guarantee obtaining a student in-depth knowledge of the chosen professional direction. It is noted that in Singapore the world built on a British school and these factors that ensure success in education. Attention is focused on a favorable external environment, allowing you to open up internal reserves. The University operates as part of scientific and industrial park, allowing efficient use of funds and to coordinate efforts for the production of high technology products. It is noted that in law the companies participating in the research and development of industrial parks, offered benefits. As a result of the review of the experience of leading universities of East Asia highlighted a number of common features which combine to provide a successful business. The model of building an effective system of higher education in Ukraine is proposed.

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