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Lehenchuk S. 
Historical aspects of the development of accounting system in the context of hostilities / S. Lehenchuk // Econ., Entrepreneurship, Management. - 2019. - 6, № 2. - С. 47-55. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

The urgency of carrying out scientific researches on the influence of military actions on the accounting system is substantiated in the article. The main directions of the development of accounting system in the context of the military operations implementation (accounting system for the subjects of the military operations, accounting system for enterprises that provides a support in the course of military conflicts, accounting system for the property of enterprises, whose activities were directly influenced by military actions, is considered as a political tool for military conflicts). It is substantiated that the occurrence of hostilities leads to the transformation of the accounting system - its simplification, both in the subjects of their implementation, and in enterprises that provide support during military conflicts. Control function is the most important function of accounting system during the war, the implementation of which allows to mobilize the resources necessary to effectively counteract the aggressor country. It has been established that in the condition of hybrid war, domestic enterprises adjust the value of assets over which control has been lost. A promising area of the research is the consideration of accounting system as a political tool in military conflicts.

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