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Lykholat S. 
Labour market of Ukraine in the conditions of intensification of migration population processes / S. Lykholat, O. Mulska, N. Rozhko // Econ., Entrepreneurship, Management. - 2020. - 7, № 1. - С. 25-34. - Бібліогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

The article identifies that the labour market is a complex integrated system with a large number of economic entities, including intermediaries or immigrants, as well as socio-economic processes, ambiguous determinants, large amounts of information and ever-increasing links between market contractors. The impact of population migration on the labour market in Ukraine is analysed, as well as the socio-economic factors on which the level of balancing of the labour market depends, with the adjustment of labour supply to the volume of emigration of the population are outlined. It is substantiated that the balance in the labour market can be achieved in the implementation of strategic partnership between the state, employers and institutions of the vocational education system, taking into account the socio-economic factors influencing the aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the labour market. It is proved that the structural characteristics of the labour market determine the migration intentions of the population, and the impact of the labour market conditions on emigration should be considered in the context of direct and inverse relations with the main macroeconomic and demographic processes. The research used general scientific methods of cognition (both empirical and theoretical), which are provided with specific tools for the subject area of knowledge, including factor and Ex-post analyses, and multivariate regression modelling. Based on the econometric study, the model of the relationship between the real level of remuneration in the donor and host country and the index (level) of balancing the labour market according to the adjusted aggregate supply (for the relevant population emigration) are presented for the first time.

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