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Martsenyuk V. 
Numerical simulation of cyber-physical biosensor systems on the basis of lattice difference equations / V. Martsenyuk, A. Klos-Witkowska, A. Sverstiuk, O. Bahrii-Zaiats // Advances in cyber-phys. systems. - 2019. - 4, № 2. - С. 91-99. - Бібліогр.: 23 назв. - англ.

Cyber physical systems (CPS) include a lot of high complexity computing such as dynamic analysis and verification of continuous dynamic property, analysis and verification of real-time property, analysis and verification of spatial property, scheduling and fault tolerance. In this paper, some of the research directions that we are taking toward addressing some of the challenges involved in building cyber physical systems have been described. Taking into account the features of the cyber-physical sensor systems, the basic model has been modified. Lattice images in biopixels have been modified according to the laws of discrete dynamics. The developed models take into account the interaction of biopixels with each other by antigen diffusion. The comparative analysis of CPS models on rectangular and hexagonal lattices using differenсе equations has been considered in the work. The results of numerical simulations in the form of phase plane images and lattice images of the probability of antigen to antibody binding in the biopixels of cyber-physical biosensor systems for antibody populations relative to antigen populations have been received in the paper. The comparative analysis of the results of numerical modeling of mathematical models of cyber-physical biosensor systems on rectangular and hexagonal lattices using lattice difference equations with delay has been considered.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З81 + Е.с5


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