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Cui Jian 
Educate and learn from the school, be careful and thinking : the theory of educational practice theory : tutorial / Cui Jian, Song Ying, Liu Ruiqi. - Drohobych : Коло, 2018. - 360 c. - (Summary of pedagogy practice theory research articles. Educational edition). - chi.

In the process of educational theory and practice, people often discuss the theory of education to guide educational practice. This view corresponds to the fact that educational theory cannot guide educational practice, so people ignore the study of educational theory in the process of education. There are many problems in the view that educational theory guides educational practice, and we should criticize and reflect on it. This book expounds the hidden problems in the theory of educational theory guiding educational practice from the following aspects, and discusses and analyzes.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч34(5КИТ)


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