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Vashchuk O. 
Polygraph and psycho-physiological diagnostics of personality : compendium of lectures / O. Vashchuk; Nat. univ. "Odessa academy of law". - Odesa : Helvetica, 2015. - 43 c. - (Series: "Teaching and training manuals"). - Бібліогр.: с. 40-43 - англ.

This manual gives consideration to theoretical and practical issues of the polygraph and psycho-physiological diagnostics of personality. The manual is based on legislation in force, forensic and psycho-physiological scholarly literature, as well as empirical evidence. The manual outlines the lecture synopsis and contains recommended references and statutory regulations. This study guide is intended for teachers and students of higher educational institutions, scholars, lawyers and law enforcement officers. The textbook represents the results of the applied research on the comprehensive study of the effectiveness of pre-trial procedures along with theoretical groundings and findings of the dissertation on "The non-verbal information within criminal procedures: theoretic and methodological fundamentals together with practice".

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ю933 с252.3 я73-2 + Х894.9(4УКР) с.ф я73-2


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