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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Kunychka M. 
Hospodárska diplomacia: efektivita hospodárskej diplomacie Ukrajiny : monograph / M. Kunychka; Odessa regional inst. of public administration, Nat. acad. for public administration under the President of Ukraine. - Odessa : ORIPA NAPA, 2018. - 168 c. - Бібліогр.: с. 150-157 - slv.

The goal of this monograph is to verify the effectiveness of Ukrainian economic diplomacy in terms of export promotion and investment promotion by using statistic methods and econometric tools. This thesis analyzes the effectiveness of economic diplomacy of Ukraine on the basis of 199 export partners, 136 investors and 58 recipients of Ukrainian investments. The examined period covers the years 2007 to 2013. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical framework of economic diplomacy, its actors, roles and functions, as well as the managing mechanism of Ukrainian economic diplomacy. In the next section, the main goal and hypotheses are stated. In the third chapter, methodology, used data and their application are summarized. The fourth chapter is devoted to the empirical results. The final chapter summarizes the conclusions and their contribution. The result of the monograph is that the effectiveness of economic diplomacy of Ukraine varies depending on the actor and the group of countries, which are targeted.

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