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Communication-content security: hybrid messianic aggressions. Ukraine: 2014-2017 : training man. for communication-content (inform.) resistance specialists / уклад.: H. Liubovets, V. Korol. - Kyiv : Sole proprietorship Lopatina O.O., 2019. - 164 c. - англ. - укp.

This manual covers a range of topics, linked together by a spectrum of information security issues. In particular, the manual introduces the issue of communication-content aggressions in the context of functions of the Ukrainian information space; it raises the issue of national identity transformation during decommunization, as well as the need for decolonization. The manual also describes a system for countering the global hybrid aggressor and highlights the need to restructure the state security sector in accordance with the NATO requirements. Considerable attention is paid to the hybrid aggression phenomenon and the mediatization of different segments of society, including the service segment.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Х910.131.5:З970.40

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