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Modern Technologies of Propagation and Restocking of Native Fish Species : intern. sci. a. practical conf., May 22, 2019, Mukachevo : [book of abstr.] / Network of Aquaculture Centers in Central-Eastern Europe, Nat. Acad. of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Inst. of Fisheries. - Kyiv, 2019. - 64 c. - англ.

Diversity of the endemic trout species in the River Neretva catchment (Adriatic Sea watershed) with emphasis on ecology and recent genetics results and projects for the conservation and enhancement of their populations and status in the conditions of alteration of the river flow is presented. Ecological and biochemical characteristics of commercial fish juvenile in the Zaporizhzhia reservoir are given. Comparative analysis of the genetic structure of the Ukrainian framed and scaled carp of the Antoninsky-Zozulenets intra-breed types based on the analysis of the frequency distribution of alleles and genotypes by polymorphic genetic-biochemical systems is carried out. Attention is paid to rare fish species in The Republic of Moldova. Current state and environmental aspects of the formation of ecosystems in the estuaries of the Northern Black Sea region have been studied. The study of ichthyological material in the commercial fish farm created in a lagoon in the Kyiv reservoir is carried out. Perspective directions of using the only replacement-brood stock of beluga (Huso huso L.) in the Republic of Belarus are highlighted. A value chain approach as a key element in profitability improvement of fisheries enterprises is considered.

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