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Chovnyuk Yu. 
Robust mechanical systems with mechatronic devices: parameters identification and vibration control / Yu. Chovnyuk, M. Dikterjuk // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1. - С. 1-8. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

The disturbance estimated with the help of advanced mechatronic devices is used for realization of robust mechanical system, such as agricultural machines. In the actual application, the estimated disturbance is effective not only for the disturbance compensation but also for the parameter identification in the mechanical system. The identified external force is applicable to sensorless force feed-back control in mechanical system and is utilized for a realization of mechanical vibration control. The progress of robust control technologies makes it possible to realize high performance motion control. In the industrial drive system such as a modern agricultural machine with advanced mechatronic device system for motion control, however, the developed technology is not enough to obtain the stable and high speed motion response since the mechanical vibration arises under the high accuracy positioning control. The mechanical vibration control is also taken in the field of the motion control. In particular, a vibration control based on the external force feedback brings the sophisticated advantages to the mechatronic system. The paper introduces a vibration control strategy based on the external force feedback called "resonance ratio control" in multiple resonance system. In this case, the external force may be obtained by using the identification process.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: П072-1


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