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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Huliieva N. 
Determination of porosity of materials by means of metallographic methods with a help of application programs / N. Huliieva // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 2. - С. 75-83. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Theoretical and experimental investigations of porous permeable materials of saponite-titanium and saponite-aluminium composites are presented in this work. Their qualitative and quantitative indexes are determined in PhotoM and Smart-eye applied programs. Metallographic images are presented by combination of structural components with different proportions: phases, shape and color, grain boundaries. The limits of technological parameters and synthesis of porous permeable materials on the basis of saponite-titanium and saponite-aluminium composites with the necessary balance of the designed and functional indexes and their variation with changes in individual properties have been studied. On the basis of results of the investigations, regimes of shaping of saponite-titanium and saponite-aluminium composites are stated and substantiated. Dry radial-isostatic compaction and self-propagating high-temperature synthesis are applied. The porosity for these composites is determined. Recommendations on application of porous permeable materials are developed; and the branch of their application is determined: filtering porous permeable materials of saponite-titanium ensure the necessary purification and tertiary treatment of water for drink preserving their main natural characteristics: balance of chemical composition, organoleptic indexes, safety, physiological full value, and biological stability; and the filtering porous permeable materials of saponite-aluminium composite ensure treatment of sewage, of service and process waters. The suggested and tested resource-saving technology has been introduced in enterprises of the municipal services "Lutsk Vodokanal" and PAT "SKF-Ukraina" of Lutsk city; this technology provides manufacture of saponite-titanium composites for purification of water for drinking and saponite-aluminium composites for treatment of sewage and service and process waters; and developed, manufactured and tested porous permeable materials satisfy the requirements of state in the field of water supply, as well as in the food and industrial sectors, that, in its turn, plays an important role in solving complicated problems of modern materials science.

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