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Maleki M. 
Effect of basil seed gum, xanthan gum and carrageenan on rheological and sensory properties of suspended barberry pulp in syrup / M. Maleki, Seyyed Ali Mortazavi, Samira Yeganehzad, Ahmad Pedram Nia // Ukr. Food J.. - 2019. - 8, № 4. - С. 840-850. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

Introduction. Berberis vulgaris is a native plant in Iran and the seedless type gained a reputation for the southern regions of Khorasan. The effect of adding mixture of basil seed gumcarrageenan and xanthan-carrageenan gum on rheological behavior and stability of suspended barberry pulp in syrup was investigated. Materials and methods. Sugar 4,8 % (w/v), glucose syrup 21 % (w/v), barberry concentrate 17 % (w/v), water 54 % (w/v), and barberry pulps 2 % (w/v) were weighed. Different ratios of hydrocolloids (1,20 % (w/v)), including basil seed gumcarrageenan and xanthan-carrageenan were prepared. The gum solution and other ingredients were heated to 60 <^>oC for 10 minutes. To prepare the final product, the pulps of barberry were directly added to the solution. Rheological and sensory properties were evaluated. Results and discussion. The highest apparent viscosity belonged to sample with 100 % basil seed gum, and the lowest value was for the sample containing 100% carrageenan. Samples containing xanthan-carrageenan had lower apparent viscosity compared to sample with basil seed gum-carrageenan. Increasing the amount of basil seed gum by formation of a three-dimensional network of continuous phase increases viscosity and make suitable conditions for suspending barberry pulp. It was found that the most suitable model for predicting the flow behavior of the samples was the Herschel-Bulkley model. Samples containing 70 % basil seed gum and 30 % carrageenan, due to the proper appearance and appropriate suspension of barberry particles, gained the highest scores in terms of sensory properties by the panelists and the lowest scores belonged to the sample containing 100 % xanthan gum. The samples containing 100 % basil seed gum and 100 % xanthan gum showed the highest density and the lowest density, respectively. Conclusions. According to the results obtained the sample containing 70 % basil seed gum and 30 % carrageenan showed the highest score in terms of sensory properties, stability and suspension assessment compared to other sample and could be introduced as a suitable formulation of barberry suspended pulp in the syrup.

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