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Babets Ye. K. 
The development of technological solutions on mining and processing brown coal to improve its quality = Розроблення технологічних рішень із видобутку й переробки бурого вугілля для підвищення його якісних характеристик / Ye. K. Babets, O. P. Bielov, O. O. Shustov, T. V. Barna, A. A. Adamchuk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 6. - С. 36-44. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Reasoning and development of technological solutions on the open deposit development and processing of brown coal to improve its quality features and usage at energy production enterprises. Methodology. To solve the set problems, the following research methods were used: analytical evaluation of the resources of brown coal deposits; geological and engineering and hydro-technical analysis; system and feasibility studies on mining operation indicators and parameters of coal processing; laboratory tests, field experiment. Findings. A reasonable technological scheme for developing an open brown coal deposit of Ukraine was proposed. Justified planned parameters of mining brown coal with extension of productivity of the brown coal quarry of Novo-Dmytrovskyi deposit (provided this project implementation) are up to 9 million tons a year, and up to 20 million tons a year provided the involvement of coal clays as a mineral, respectively. Technological solutions for thermal vacuum and separation modification of brown coal have been developed. The qualitative characteristics of the obtained concentrate for the further application at energy production enterprises have been established: the mixture ash content for the fuel working state (Ar) after heat treatment made 50,2 %, and after separation - 17,72 %; lower combustion heatincreased from 3316,1 to 5817,7 kcal/kg; mass portion of sulfurdecreased from 4,7 to 3,5 - 4,5 %. Originality. Comparative quality indicators of the resulting raw material (ordinary brown coal, carbon clay and their mixtures) and solid combustible fuel after its modification in the thermal vacuum installation and separation were obtained. It is predicted that it is possible to obtain an analogue of coal grades D, DG, and G from dried heat-treated brown coal with partial removal of mineral impurities and sulfur. The combination of processes of vacuum drying, heat treatment with the use of special methods of separation became the basis for the development of technological regulations for the processing of brown coal to produce fuels with high energy characteristics. Practical value. The effective scheme and conditions of the open mining works in the development of a typical coal deep deposit in order to increase its energy characteristics are substantiated. Technological solutions for processing of brown coal have been developed to enhance its energy characteristics, which includes the following processes: preparation of coal (preparation of raw coal and carbon clay; drying of coal mass; conditioning of coal mass); heat treatment of carbon mass and its conditioning; magnetic and electrostatic separation; agglomeration of the concentrate. The implementation of a fundamentally new approach to the development of deposits and the subsequent processing of brown coal first of all will lead to restoration of non-operating coal-mining enterprises in Ukraine, reducing the man-made load on the environment, providing new jobs for people.

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