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Kostyshyn V. S. 
Creation of object-oriented model of centrifugal pump on the basis of electro-hydrodynamic analogy method = Створення об'єктно-орієнтованої моделі відцентрового насоса на основі методу електрогідродинамічної аналогії / V. S. Kostyshyn, I. I. Yaremak, P. O. Kurliak // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 6. - С. 72-79. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of an object-oriented model of a centrifugal pump (CP), which would reflect the constructive features of the structure and processes in it, as well as the simultaneous balance of effort (delivery head and pressure), and flow (flow rates) variables, namely the balance of powers. Methodology. Applying of the electrohydrodynamic analogy method to the flow diagram of liquid in a centrifugal pump enabled to synthesize the expanded complex equivalent circuit of a CP, spatially combined with its constructive elements. Findings. The theoretical calculation of the CP performance characteristics according to its directory data for the entire interval of change in the flow rate duty taking into account the physical properties of the working fluid was carried out. Good agreement between the calculated and experimental performance characteristics of the main pump HM-3600-230 is illustrated. The relative error of calculations does not exceed 5 - 8 %. Originality. The developed object-oriented model of the CP takes into account the vortical circulation processes of the motion of the liquid both at the input and output of the rotor wheel (impeller), and in the interblade space. Also, the model adequately reflects the link between the mechanical and hydraulic subsystem of the pump unit at all load modes, and especially in low-load ones, of its flow duty, taking into account its design parameters and physical properties of the working fluid. Practical value. The object-oriented model of the CP is easily adapted to modern computer-oriented interactive tools (20-sim, Simulink, Pspice, Dymola, etc.) designed to simulate the modes of operation of mechatronic technical systems, which in turn reveals the way for calculation and optimization of the CP power characteristics as an element of a pumping station.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З565.22


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