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Spodyniuk N. 
Leveling of pressure flow of radial ventilator in mine ventilation system = Вирівнювання нагнітального потоку радіального вентилятора у шахтній вентиляційній системі / N. Spodyniuk, B. Gulai, V. Zhelykh, S. Shapoval // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 6. - С. 80-86. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of a new structural solution to the element of mine ventilation system to increase its efficiency due to equalization of the flow under different operating modes of radial fans. The task was set to investigate and analyze the effect of the mutual placement of flexible inserts and diffusers and their effect on the overall air flow field, and the energy efficiency of mine ventilation systems as a whole. Methodology. A design of joining a radial fan to the air supply of a mine ventilation system has been developed. The mathematical processing of results obtained when measuring physical properties is performed on the basis of special programs developed. Theoretical, analytical and experimental methods were used. Findings. According to results of experimental studies, the quality of the flow in the diffuser and the airline located directly behind the radial fan was estimated. Graphical and empirical dependencies are obtained. It is found that changing the diffuser design allows increasing system performance by 16 %. This is important for the further design of the mine ventilation network as it affects improving of the aerodynamic performance of the system. It is established that the most effective equalization of the output stream occurs in the "relatively long" diffuser extension, which is located directly after the fan and in the same diffuser expansion with the flow alignment plate, thereby increasing the flow through the system by 6,7 %. Originality. Quality of the flow in the diffuser and the airline is estimated. It has been established that the most effective leveling of the flow of flux occurs in a diffuser located directly after the fan. The optimal location and the angles of inclination of the alignment plate in the design of the diffuser are determined. Practical value. The determined optimum locations and plate angles in diffuser expansion design can be used in the design of mine ventilation systems. This will also improve the aerodynamic performance of the mine ventilation system.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И181-52


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