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Shpachuk V. 
The impact of mine waters on the condition of the water management complex of Ukraine: tasks of water management = Вплив шахтних вод на стан водогосподарського комплексу України: завдання водогосподарського менеджменту / V. Shpachuk, O. Yevmieshkina, V. Kravchenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 6. - С. 176-180. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To formulate the tasks of the water management of Ukraine in the conditions of the existing danger of violation of the basin balance of the development of water management in Ukraine by the mine waters. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is the simulation of the impact of mine waters on the basin balance of water management, analysis, synthesis and comparison of the obtained results. Findings. To achieve this goal, the authors considered: 1) the reasons due to which the mine waters are regarded to be a polluting object, and, accordingly, dangerous for the water management complex of Ukraine; 2) the state and possibilities of physical, chemical and biological technologies of mine water treatment; 3) the general functions of water management. The obtained results allowed formulating specific tasks of water management to prevent the mine waters from violating the basin balance of the development of water management in Ukraine. Originality. The authors identified the tasks of water management of Ukraine based on the results of the analysis of the characteristics of pollution by the mine waters of groundwater and natural surface waters, as well as the imperfections of the existing mine water treatment technologies. Practical value. The study reveals the role of water management in the environmental safety of the state. The results can be useful in the work of state authorities, owners of mining enterprises, scientific and public organizations of environmental orientation on the issue of the treatment of mine waters as a part of the global water system safety. The obtained results can be used in the structure of educational programs for training specialists in the specialty "Public management and administration", as well as expand the qualification of water management at all levels: from state regulation to management in the regions. The formulated tasks of water management will ensure the effective management of mine waters and basin balance of the development of water management in Ukraine.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И17 + И127


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