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Pivnyak G. G. 
A complex source of electrical energy for three-phase current based on a stand-alone voltage inverter = Комплексне джерело електричної енергії для трифазного струму на основі автономного інвертора напруги / G. G. Pivnyak, O. O. Beshta // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 1. - С. 89-93. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To substantiate the operability of a combined power source of asynchronous electric drive of a vehicle, consisting of two power sources and one autonomous voltage inverter, to establish operating modes using zero combinations of inverter keys and to formulate a condition for energy transfer to an electromechanical converter from an additional power source. Methodology. In the study on the work of an autonomous voltage inverter with two power sources, methods of mathematical and simulation modeling were used. To select the optimal method for implementing the control algorithm, a comparative analysis method and an analysis of a symmetric power system were applied. Findings. The efficiency of the asynchronous motor power system from one autonomous voltage inverter with two power sources is proved. The paper presents mathematical calculations for constructing an electromechanical circuit, a modified algorithm for switching the keys of an inverter of a combined power source is given; physical processes are described. Originality. The conditions of energy transfer to the electromechanical converter from an additional power source are formulated, which are provided by the choice of the load circuit parameters of the EMF of the additional source and increase the voltage component and the load capacity of the electromechanical converter. Practical value. The electromechanical circuit of the vehicle's asynchronous electric drive has been simplified due to the combined power supply, consisting of two power supplies and one autonomous voltage inverter. One of the sources is an additional source that is connected to the electric motor through the connection circuit to the zero point of the stator motor windings and the "negative" terminal of the autonomous voltage inverter and includes a DC-DC inverter, diode, inductor and discharge resistor.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З264.5


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