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Beridze T. 
Harmonization of results of modeling production systems of Ukraine's regions = Гармонізація результатів моделювання виробничих систем регіонів України / T. Beridze, N. Lokhman, O. Bondarenko, A. Buhra // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 1. - С. 135-140. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Establishing systemic interregional manufacturing relations, analysis of corporate characteristics of production systems, formation of applied scientific and methodological support. Methodology. The tools of economic and mathematical modeling for the purpose of analyzing and assessing characteristics of the main regional indicators are formed. Economic and social indicators that are relevant for the regional distribution of resources are analyzed. At the level of individual production systems, structural transformation aims to increase the efficiency of concentration of resources in subdivisions with higher returns. A prerequisite for the formation of rational management decisions is a thorough, qualitative analysis of complex production systems, availability of resources and their distribution. Findings. Systemic interregional relations, corporate characteristics of production systems are determined, which allowed identifying clusters according to the determined indicators and proving rationality of application of the models, determining efficiency of regional allocation of resources. Originality. Innovative approach to the formation of cluster and index modeling harmonization techniques allowed appropriate analysis for effective managerial recommendations. Practical value. The practical experience of using the proposed methodology proved its effectiveness in making rational management decisions in order to ensure economic growth of the regions. The clusters are formed and index models are created which are the basis for further research on developing multi-factor regression models and forecasting models.

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