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Artamonov V. V. 
Basic procedures of planning the rational use of disturbed lands = Методичні засади планування раціонального використання порушених земель / V. V. Artamonov, P. B. Mikhno, M. H. Vasylenko, I. M. Shelkovska // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 1. - С. 158-164. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To substantiate planning techniques for rational use of the disturbed lands. Methodology. The research methodology involves the development of complex technique for planning rational disturbed land use and approbation of this technique exemplified by a real mining site. Findings. It has been established that the problem of choosing the type and direction of land restoration is characterized by uncertainty, complexity and multifactorial nature. In order to resolve these issues, methods based on expert assessments of planning factors have been applied. In the invariant part of the planning techniques for rational use of the disturbed lands, the lands are considered in general and assessed according to certain typical parameters, regardless of their location peculiarities. The special part takes into account the actual assesses of the disturbed land parameters, for which the decision on further use is made. Originality. The technique for planning the rational use of disturbed lands has been developed. Formulas for calculating the integral indicators of choosing the type of waste land use as well as land restoration intended use are proposed. These formulas make it possible for the project designer to avoid making unreasonable subjective decisions. Practical value. The universal technique with a wide range of alternatives and well-defined integral indicators of choice has been developed which is suitable to be used concerning various types of disturbed lands. Therefore, it can be used to substantiate decisions on the rational type and direction of further use of disturbed lands adopted in land surveying and city planning documentation.

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