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Kachmar O. O. 
Effect of Professor Kozyavkin method on hand function in children with cerebral palsy = Вплив методу професора Козявкіна на функцію руки в дітей із церебральним паралічем / O. O. Kachmar, I. R. Mysula, A. D. Kushnir, B. Yu. Fedchyshyn, N. V. Melekh // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2020. - 16, № 1. - С. 2-9. - Бібліогр.: 31 назв. - англ.

Impaired hand function is one of the key factors that restrict the ability of patients with cerebral palsy (CP) to perform everyday activities and self-care. Recent studies show effectiveness of intensive multicomponent methods of rehabilitation for improving hand function in children with CP. One of such methods is Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation System, also known as Professor Kozyavkin method, a multicomponent system that combines various interventions into one intensive course. The aim of this study was to assess changes in hand function in children with CP after the two-week rehabilitation course by Kozyavkin method. Thirty-two patients with bilateral spastic CP (aged 6 - 15 years, Manual Ability Classification System level I - III) have participated in the study. All patients underwent the two-week rehabilitation course by Kozyavkin method. Treatment lasted up to 5 hours per day and included physical therapy, occupational therapy, spinal manipulative technique, reflexotherapy, joint mobilization, computer game therapy, and other interventions. The primary outcome measure was Jebsen-Taylor hand function test and the secondary outcome measures were ABILHAND-Kids questionnaire, Box and Blocks test, and hand dynamometry. Statistically significant improvement by 14,9 +- 38,0 seconds was observed during Jebsen-Taylor test for the dominant hand. Changes in Box and Blocks test were also statistically significant and were equal to 2,0 +- 3,7 points for dominant hand and 1,8 +- 2,8 points for non-dominant hand. Grip strength did not change; increase in ABILHAND-Kids score was not statistically significant. Conclusions. Hand function, particularly dexterity of both hands and unimanual functions of the dominant hand, had improved in children with cerebral palsy after the two-week treatment course by Kozyavkin method.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р733.627.709.3


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