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Kovalenko I. V. 
Effect of fluoroquinolones on the activity of the glutathionе system in the peripheral blood lymphocytes / I. V. Kovalenko, O. K. Onufrovych, O. V. Melnyk, O. S. Korchynska, N. M. Vorobets, Z. D. Vorobets // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2019. - № 3. - С. 23-29. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

It is possible to assume that a number of antibiotics fluoroquinolone if it enters in a human body also act on eukaryotic cells, in particular blood cells. It is considered that lymphocytes of peripheral blood are the "metabolic mirror" of organism, and, consequently, can serve as a model for the study of influence of fluoroquinolones on the metabolic and regulatory systems of cells. The purpose of this work was a study the effect of a number of fluoroquinolones on lipid peroxidation and the activity of the glutathione antioxidant blood lymphocyte system. The object of research was the blood of practically healthy women. We carried out a comparative study of the processes of lypoperoxidation and glutathione system in peripheral blood lymphocytes under the influence of fluoroquinolones of II - IV generations. In all cases, the activation of LРО processes is shown, by determining the concentration of malondialdehyde, which is a secondary product of lipid peroxidation. Thus, in the blood lymphocytes of the control group, the concentration of MDA is (<$E4,1~symbol С~0,4>) <$Emu>mol/l. With the action of ciprofloxacin (II generation), the processes of GHI are intensified 1,7 times relative to the parameters in the control group, with the MDA concentration reaching (<$E6,6~symbol С~0,5>) <$Emu>mol/l (p << 0,001). When exposed to cells levofloxacin (third generation) processes more activated LPO, MDA concentration increases to <$E7,4~symbol С~0,6> <$Emu>mol/L, that is about 1,8 times to control values. A similar situation is observed when determining the concentration of MDA in blood lymphocytes under the action of moxifloxacin (IV generation). Moxifloxacin resulted in a 1,9-fold increase in MDA to <$E7,9~symbol С~0,7> <$Emu>mol/l (p << 0,001). The activity of glutathione peroxidase lymphocytes under the action of ciprofloxacin increased from <$E154,2~symbol С~13,4> nmol GSН/min <$Ecdot> mg protein (control) to <$E177,3~symbol С~13,7> (p >> 0,05), when exposed to levofloxacin - to <$E190,3~symbol С~10,7> (p << 0,05), and when exposed to moxifloxacin - up to <$E199,3~symbol С~14,7> nmol GSH/min <$Ecdot> mg protein (p << 0,05). That is, a significant increase in the activity of glutathione peroxidase occurs only under the action of moxifloxacin, 1,3 times. Regarding the activity of glutathione reductase, in lymphocytes in control it was <$E51,7~symbol С~4,2> nmol NADPH/min <$Ecdot> mg protein. With ciprofloxacin, it decreased to <$E40,7~symbol С~4,2> (p >> 0,05), levofloxacin - to <$E40,1~symbol С~4,2> (p >> 0,05), and with moxifloxacin - to <$E37,9~symbol С~3,1> nmol NADPH/min <$Ecdot> mg protein. Glutathione S-transferase activity in lymphocytes in control was <$E112,2~symbol С~9,2> nmol GSH/min <$Ecdot> mg protein. With ciprofloxacin, it increased 2,3 (p << 0,001), levofloxacin 3,1 (p << 0,001), and moxifloxacin 3,8 times (p << 0,001). We presume that fluoroquinolones activate the processes of lipid peroxidation in blood lymphocytes. Fluoroquinolones do not affect the concentration of reduced glutathione in blood lymphocytes, but they do increase the activity of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р252.711


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