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Вовканич Л. С. 
Зміни гемодинаміки спортсменів під впливом анаеробних фізичних навантажень різної тривалості / Л. С. Вовканич, А. В. Дунець-Лесько // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2019. - № 4. - С. 38-44. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - укp.

The aim of our study was to investigate changes in the hemodynamics of karate athletes under the influence of the 30-second Wingate test and the Conconi test. The subjects were highly qualified (Candidate for Master of Sport and Master of Sport) male karate athletes (n = 15), <$E28,87~symbol С~0,83> years old, <$E70,93~symbol С~2,58> kg weight and <$E175,87~symbol С~1,80> cm height. Heart rate (HR), systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure were measured. Main hemodynamic parameters were determined by calculation methods. Data was collected in conditions of physiological rest, immediately after the end of Wingate and Conconi tests and after 5 minutes recovery after the tests. Tests were performed with the use of cycle ergometer. The subject performed a 5 minutes cycling warm up before Wingate test. The resistance load was adjusted to 3,5 W/kg in Wingate test. The Conconi test was started at 100 W load for 70 kg of the subject body weight, with the subsequent increase in workload by 20 W and proportional decrease in duration of the intervals until exhaustion. At rest the mean value of HR was <$E69,13~symbol С~1,28> bpm, SBP - <$E124,87~symbol С~1,59> mm Hg and DBP - <$E81,53~symbol С~1,91> mm Hg. The calculated value of stroke volume (SV) was <$E73,82~symbol С~2,40> ml (normal level - <$E71,45~symbol С~1,57> ml) and cardiac output (CO) - <$E5,11~symbol С~0,20> l/min. We found that under the influence of Wingate test the heart rate increased to <$E165,00~symbol С~4,17> bpm, the SBP increased to <$E173,08~symbol С~3,82> mm Hg, DBP decreased to <$E74,62~symbol С~3,60> mm Hg, SV rose to <$E130,17~symbol С~3,96> ml, and CO - to <$E21,49~symbol С~0,86> l/min. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) reduced by 73 %. Most of hemodynamics indices did not return to initial level after the 5 minutes of recovery period after the Wingate test. The HR remained higher by 56 %, SBP - by 14 %, SV - by 42 %, CO - by 120 %, SVR was lower by 54 % in comparison to rest level. Though the duration and number of loads in Conconi test highly exceeds the same in Wingate test, the changes in hemodynamic were quite similar. In particular, the HR reached <$E185,69~symbol С~2,73> bpm, the SBP - <$E170,77~symbol С~4,12> mm Hg, DBP decreased to <$E70,38~symbol С~4,51> mm Hg, SV increased to <$E129,99~symbol С~4,20> ml, and CO - to <$E24,15~symbol С~0,91> l/min. However, the values of HR and CO were by 12 % higher, while SVR was by 14 % lower after the Conconi test in comparison to those after the Wingate test. Nevertheless, recovery of the number of hemodynamic indexes (SBP, pulse pressure, SV, CO and others) was found to be faster after the Conconi test. The levels of the SBP was lower by 5 %, pulse pressure - by 13 %, SV - by 10 %, CO - by 11 % at the 5 min of recovery after the Conconi test in comparison to those after the Wingate test. In summary, it has been established that both Wingate and Conconi tests caused significant changes in hemodynamic indices. Changes in some indices at the end of Conconi test exceed those after the Wingate test by 12 - 14 %, although recovery after the Conconi test was faster.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч510.7


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