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Novitskyi I. V. 
Method of identification of nonlinear dynamic control objects of preparatory processes before ore dressing = Метод ідентифікації нелінійних динамічних об'єктів керування підготовчими процесами перед збагаченням руд / I. V. Novitskyi, V. V. Sliesarev, A. V. Maliienkо // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 2. - С. 42-46. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To develop a method for identifying mathematical models of control objects as a part of an adaptive management system for preparatory processes before ore processing. Methodology. The methodological ground of the research is the classic position and the fundamental works by foreign and domestic scholars, statistics, and the results of authors' research. Methods of fuzzy set theory, comparative analysis of abstraction, and generalization of scientific experience of modern theoretical research studies, systematic and comprehensive approach are applied in the study. The effective operation of industrial technological complexes characteristic of the mining and processing industry involves solving a wide range of operational automatic control tasks. Findings. Technological processes of reducing material coarseness such as crushing, grinding are the most resource-intensive operations of the mining and processing industry. Therefore, the use of the most effective systems of operational management of these processes is essential in modern conditions of operation of a mining and processing enterprise. A methodological approach to assessing the parameters of the linear parts of the control object model from the input parameters and the correspondence of the process values at the output of the control object are proposed. The analysis made it possible to determine and implement a management system for ore-shingle mills at an industrial enterprise. Originality. For the first time, the study proposes to solve the main problems of identifying the corresponding structure of a real object and the structure of a model, determining the nonlinear static characteristics of an object. This allows one to create effective systems with a fairly universal method for identifying the control object. Practical value. The method is distinguished by high rate of selection of information about an object. It allows determining the parameters of the linear parts and the structure of the nonlinear part of the model. The identification method described in the article was tested when developing and implementing control systems for ore-peeling mills IWG 55 x 75 at SevGOK MPP.

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