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Hisira V. 
Relationship between somatic cell count and occurrence of intramammary pathogens in dairy cows / V. Hisira, R. Klein, M. Kadasi, J. Posivak // Біологія тварин. - 2019. - 21, № 2. - С. 25-28. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

The goal of this observation was to evaluate relationship between somatic cell count and intramammary pathogens occurrence in milk of dairy cows. Somatic cell counting was performed by new on-farm commercial device Deleval Cell Counter (DCC) and laboratory Fossomatic cell counting (FSCC). 100 sensoric unchanged mixed milk samples collected during milking time on dairy farm were analysed in this study for detection of somatic cell count by both methods. Quarter milk samples (n = 389) of all selected cows were cultured. Increased somatic cell count was detected in 46 mixed milk samples by DCC and in 58 by FSCC. Of total quarter milk samples bacteria were determined in 76 (19,5 %). The most prevalent bacteria were Enterococcus spp. (26,3 %), followed by E. coli (25 %), A. viridans (15,7 %), coagulase-negative staphylococci (11,8 %), Proteus spp. (9,2 %), Streptococcus spp. (6,6 %) and S. intermedius (2,6 %). Contagious isolates (S. aureus) were detected in 3 quarter milk samples (4 %). Agreement between DCC and microbiological culture was found in 90 %, and between FSCC and bacteriological incidence in 84 %. Higher SCC was detected in milk samples contaminated by bacteria than in healthy milk (P << 0,001). Presence of individual species of intramammary pathogens was not related to different levels of SCC. The presented data illustrated that bacteria are predominant causes of subclinical mastitis. However, in some milk samples with increased SCC no bacteria were detected. This means that it could have been caused by numerous other agents or factors for mastitis in dairy industry.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: П811.62 + П60-273.97


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