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Sakalova G. 
Socio-psychological essence of attractiveness for the subjects of entrepreneurial activities of adsorption extraction of nickel ions (II) by bentonite clays / G. Sakalova, O. Palamarchuk, T. Vasylinycz, K. Petrushka, Ja. Zaharko, O. Stokalyuk // Environmental problems. - 2019. - 4, № 2. - С. 68-73. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

The article considers an actual but not sufficiently developed problem of attractiveness for the subjects of entrepreneurial activity of adsorption extraction of nickel ions (II) by bentonite clays. The basic social and psychological mechanisms for the adoption of environmentally-oriented activities are analyzed. The styles of entrepreneurs' response to the attractiveness of adsorption extraction of nickel ions (II) by bentonite clays are characterized. The process of sorption of nickel ions (II) with a fixed layer of sorbent by bentonite clays is investigated. The main advantages of using bentonites in water treatment technologies are described: powerful geological reserves, cheap rock formation, simple preparation for transportation and use, the possibility of using spent sorbents in other technologies, eliminating the need for expensive regeneration. The influence of different factors (length of the process, layer of the adsorbent) on the degree of wastewater treatment from nickel ions, influence of pumping speed on dynamic capacity of the sorbent is investigated and effective volume is determined. The results of the research indicate that the use of natural mineral sorbents, in particular, the bentonite clay of Cherkassy deposit, is promising and effective for purification of waste water from nickel (II) ions.

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