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Chugai A. 
Assessment of the quality and the level of the technogenic load on the surface waters of the Kherson region / A. Chugai // Environmental problems. - 2020. - 5, № 1. - С. 44-49. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

The paper deals with the assessment of a surface water quality in the Kherson region, as well as the assessment of a technogenic load on the surface water bodies by the volumes of the wastewater and pollutants discharges over a long period of time. The problem of supplying the regions of Ukraine with water is urgent for many regions, including the Kherson region. The materials from the Regional reports, Ecological passports on monitoring a state the surface water as well as the data on the volumes of the sewage and pollutants discharges were used as baseline data. Water quality indicators was analyzed using the graphical method of a surface water quality complex assessment and method of estimation of surface water quality, based on hydrochemical parameters. Authors proposed to estimate a level of technogenic load on the surface water based on the calculation of the technogenic load module on the water objects (MWO). The purpose of the work was to assess a quality of the surface waters of the Kherson region as well as to assess a level of technogenic load on the surface water bodies of the region. It is obtained that a surface water quality of the region according to the fishery requirements in the most cases is characterized by classes IVa - IVd, category "very dirty", by drinking water - class II, category "polluted", class IIIa, category "dirty". There were significant exceedances of MPC according to fishery standards in terms of such substances as nitrites, Cr(VI), Cu and Ni. Maximum excesses were noted for Cr(VI) content. Also significant exceedances of the fisheries standards were observed in the content of sulfates, phosphates, Mn, BOC5, mineralization and others. In terms of economic and drinking requirements, the MPC was most often observed in such indicators a mineralization, BOC5 and Ni. With a general increase in water intake there is a decrease in the pollutants discharges. A level of technogenic load on the surface water bodies has significantly decreased. The obtained results are a part of a comprehensive study, which are devoted to the complex assessment of technogenic load on the surface water bodies of the Northwest Black Sea regions.

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