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Striletskyi Yu. Yo. 
Using broadband signals for structural change detection in metal details = Використання широкосмугових сигналів для виявлення структурних змін металевих деталей / Yu. Yo. Striletskyi, S. I. Melnychuk, V. M. Gryga, O. P. Pashkevych // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 3. - С. 19-26. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Realization of engineering structures in industrial and household spheres is based on materials that provide required strength, integrity and reliability during all period of exploitation. However, due to various reasons, most often excessive or cyclic load, metal changes its structure, which may lead to destruction of the structure. This situation creates need for improvement of existing components of system diagnostics and development of new ones. In particular, this refers to the part of formation and processing of signals in information-measuring channels which provide control in operating conditions. Thus, expansion of functional capabilities of information-measuring channels of diagnostics systems is relevant problem in the area of ensuring reliability requirements and exploitation safety. Methodology. Analysis was performed using the method of spectral transformation of signal, integral locked loop of frequency and methods of approximation. Findings. The result of this study is the non-dimensional coefficient of relation of bringing harmonics frequency (RBHF), absolute value of which indicates loss of energy in metal during oscillations and serves as an estimate of change in the structure of metal. Originality. Proposed Methods for forming and digital processing of wideband signals based on the RBHF for diagnostic detection of changes in the metal structure which provide invariance to temperature fluctuations by using the signal frequency ratio. This allows increasing reliability and stability of information measuring channel of diagnostics system. Practical value. While implementing the proposed method, we developed a procedure and hardware-and-software solutions for detecting structural changes in metal constructions based on changes of the RBHF coefficient.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К204.013.3


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