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Imansakipova B. B. 
The combined method for assessing risk factors in underground construction = Комбінований метод оцінки факторів ризику при підземному будівництві / B. B. Imansakipova, O. O. Sdvyzhkova, Sh. K. Aitkazinova, K. Z. Isabayev, G. Shakieva // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 3. - С. 53-58. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of a combined method for qualitative and quantitative assessment of risk factors accompanying the construction and operation of underground constructions based on expert analysis and mathematical modeling by numerical methods. Methodology. When creating a comprehensive method for ranking the underground construction route by the degree of problems, we used methods of expert assessment, statistical analysis and mathematical modeling, which allow us to assess the state of each section by summing the points of risk factors assessment. Findings. Based on the results of practical application of the developed method for ranking the Almaty metro route sections by the degree of problems, the method has shown its effectiveness in solving the problems of ensuring the safety of construction and operation of the metro and has been adopted for implementation. Originality. Assessment of the condition of the underground construction route section according to the degree of problematicity in accordance with the principle of adding risk factors through conditional points established by the results of expert analysis and mathematical modeling. Practical value. The method improves the effectiveness of monitoring the state of the underground construction route, improves the quality of situational control as well as the forecast of the manifestation of risk situations and their development. The method can be used for solving simila problems in underground construction of different objects, including the development of mineral deposits.

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