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Isakova Ye. 
A computer oriented model of blended learning of the English language = Комп'ютерно-орієнтована модель змішаного навчання іноземної мови / Ye. Isakova, K. Zubenko, N. Paziura, V. Olekhnovych, V. Ostashchuk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 3. - С. 122-130. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

Purpose. An analysis of the experience of introducing the blended learning model in the process of learning English by students of a non-linguistic university in terms of the place of this model in the educational process, the relevance of its use in modern higher education conditions, defining basic criteria and requirements for the participants of the educational process to ensure the effective implementation of blended learning and determining conditions for the successful organization and control of training within the framework of the blended learning model. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results. Methodology. The analysis was carried out in the context of modern methodological concepts and theories: the general theory of education, the theory and methodology of using active teaching methods, the theory and methodology of using distance learning, the methods of using information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process, and others. The study is based on a systemic, competency-based, and individual scientific approaches. In the course of studying the experience of introducing the model of blended learning into the educational process, the following methods and techniques were used: study and comparative analysis of the available theoretical and practical literature on the issue under study, methods of deduction and induction, systematization, quantitative analysis of the results, method of expert evaluation, generalization. Findings. With the help of testing, the initial abilities of working withinteractive technologies of the participants of blended learning (students, teachers) were established, on the basis of which the preparatory and familiarization part of the training course was planned. A qualitative and quantitative analyses of the learning outcomes at the initial, intermediate and final stages, as well as a comparative analysis with the results of students studying according to the standard system (without an online component) were carried out. Basic conditions and criteria for the successful use of the system of blended learning in higher education in our country are highlighted. The MOODLE training platform was tested, its convenience in terms of synchronous and asynchronous communication was investigated, its effectiveness in a blended learning model was confirmed. On the basis of the platform, an educational and methodological complex for teaching English to students in the framework of the blended learning model was developed. Originality. It is required to modernize and optimize the educational system of Ukraine through the introduction of new programs, technologies and techniques. The request of modern society for the training of competitive specialists requires a paradigm shift in the education system and its reorientation from the presentation of material to the formation of future specialists' skills and abilities to use and operate this information in modern conditions. Blended learning is an actual model that allows not only giving the student certain knowledge, but also developing their ability to use it effectively in different communicative situations. Practical value. The results of the study will be useful in the subsequent experience of introducing the blended learning model in the process of learning not only foreign languages, but also other academic disciplines, as well as when organizing independent work of students, online communication, conferences and other types of educational activities.

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