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Filipchuk V. 
Governance models in the globalization era: from moral to political responsibility = Моделі управління в епоху глобалізації: від моральної до політичної відповідальності / V. Filipchuk, G. Malkina, V. Kolyukh, I. Petrenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 3. - С. 177-182. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To study the role and significance of the moral responsibility of international management in governance models under conditions of global economy and democracy. Methodology. The authors use structural-functional, institutional, and comparative methods as well as the methods of synthesis and analysis. Findings. The authors examined and proved the key statement of the. study. Modern international management is a holistic corporate governance culture. The foundations of leadership and professional qualities of modern international management are their moral qualities. In democratic governance models, the moral qualities of management turn into political responsibility and ensure the quality of management, the growth of state capacity of Ukraine, the formation and promotion of national interests in the face of global threats and challenges. Originality. The authors prove that the main determining actor in the governance model is international management characterized by stable moral qualities. Only in this case, a governance model will achieve the highest efficiency and ensure the growth of state capacity, as well as the promotion of national interests in the face of global threats and challenges. Practical value. The results of the study can be used to improve the legislative framework as well as to develop the educational programs for international management education. The experience of international management education under consideration, as well as the use of moral responsibility in the behaviour patterns of international management, will ensure the quality of governance, the growth of Ukrainian state capacity and the promotion of national interests in the global economy and democracy.

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