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Rybina O. I. 
Institutional culture of academic integrity / O. I. Rybina, T. A. Vasilyeva, K. I. Kyrychenko, O. V. Liuta // Вісн. Сум. держ. ун-ту. Сер. Економіка. - 2018. - № 3. - С. 97-101. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

The article focuses on the fact that academic integrity is one of the elements of the internal quality assurance system in higher education institutions (hereinafter referred to as HEI). The essence of the concept "academic integrity" is revealed. The importance of the HEI management task -the introduction of the academic integrity principles in the educational environment at a non-formal level is substantiated. The modern academic environment must not only be ethically institutionalized but also have well-established ethical infrastructure and tools for ethically influencing those who commit unethical acts. The paper systematizes the basic principles and defines the benefits to adhere to the academic integrity of higher education applicants and lecturers.

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