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Lukinov V. V. 
Forecast of methane emission from the undermined coalrock massif = Прогноз емісії метану з підробленого вуглепородного масиву / V. V. Lukinov, K. A. Bezruchko, M. V. Zhykalyak, O. V. Prykhodchenko, H. O. Berdyk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 4. - С. 17-23. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To develop an algorithm of forecasting the methane emission from the undermined coalrock massif according to the data of coal production, the values of absolute methane content of a mine and indexes of the methane-bearing capacity of coal beds that are developed. Methodology. Statistical processing of actual data concerning the methane-bearing capacity of coal beds that are developed as well as the volumes of methane emission and coal production. Based on the obtained stable values of the specific methane emission and the volumes of coal production, the total volumes of methane entry are calculated, and with the exception of methane release from the coal beds, the volumes of methane entry from the coalrock massif are estimated. Findings. The algorithm of forecasting the quantity evaluation for methane emission from the undermined coalrock massif in operating coal mines is developed. Data analysis 10 years concerning the methane emission while coal beds mining at "Pivdenno-Donbaska-1" and "Pivdenno-Donbaska-3" mines has been carried out for. An algorithm has been developed for the forecasting factor of methane emission from the undermined coalrock massif, which consists in establishing generalized values of methane emissions into a mine, calculating specific methane emissions from coal, based on the natural and residual methane bearing capacity of coal beds that are developed and a rough estimate for the amount of methane emission from the rock massif containing working coal beds. Originality. The algorithm for quantitative estimation of methane emission separately from the undermined coalrock massif was developed for the first time, and examples of its practical application by calculation of mining and geological data at "Pivdenno-Donbaska-1" and "Pivdenno-Donbaska-3" mines are presented. Practical values. The developed algorithm for calculating methane emission from the undermined coalrock massif can be used to forecast the methane emission of operating and closed mines in order to evaluate the possibility of its practical industrial production.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И181.1,1


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