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Zaliubovskyi M. G. 
Synthesis and research of the tumbling machine spatial mechanism = Синтез і дослідження просторового механізму галтувальної машини / M. G. Zaliubovskyi, I. V. Panasiuk, Yu. I. Smirnov, V. V. Malyshev // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 4. - С. 69-75. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Design engineering of the seven-link spatial mechanism of a tumbling machine without excessive coupling, as well as development and further analytical study of this machine drive unit. Methodology. An analytical research method based on the geometric and structural synthesis of the seven-link spatial mechanism of the tumbling machine and its drive is used, the design of the machine is modeled in the SolidWorks 2016 computer-aided design system (CAD). Findings. Based on the structural synthesis, a design of a seven-link spatial articulated mechanism without excessive machine communication with the complex movement of the working capacity is proposed for volumetric processing of parts and mixing of bulk solids; the principle of its operation is described. Analytical investigations of the basic geometric parameters of the machine are conducted. The design of a special machine drive has been developed; a four-link mechanism has been synthesized, which is a part of the drive unit; analytical studies on the main structural parameters of the machine drive have been performed. Originality. Interconnection between various geometric parameters of the seven-link spatial mechanism is established, which makes it possible to determine rational lengths ratio of the mechanism links; a connection between the geometric parameters of the four-link flat articulated mechanism as a part of the machine drive and the pressure angles in the kinematic pairs of this mechanism is recognized as well. Practical value. A new design of the seven-link spatial hinge mechanism without excessive (passive) coupling of machines with the complex movement of the working capacity for volumetric processing of parts are developed. Mathematical expressions are obtained for calculating the main structural and geometric parameters of the mechanism. The design of the machine drive is developed, which allows for the rotation of the machine drive shaft with simultaneous reciprocating movements; mathematical dependences for calculating the main structural parameters are obtained in order to ensure the pressure angles in the mechanism kinematic pairs within acceptable limits.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К627-5


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