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Papaika Yu. A. 
Information technologies in modeling operation modes of mining dewatering plant based on economic and mathematical analysis = Інформаційні технології при моделюванні режимів роботи шахтних водовідливних установок на основі економіко-математичного аналізу / Yu. A. Papaika, O. G. Lysenko, K. S. Rodna, O. S. Shevtsova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 4. - С. 82-88. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To ensure the energy efficiency of coal mine power systems. This can be achieved by using rational modes of a sump plant under multifactor initial conditions. Methodology. The research technique is based on the theory of economic and mathematical analysis and the general theory of electrical engineering. Findings. For the first time we suggested using the criterion for maximizing the mathematical expectation of the integral (total) profit (savings) <$E P sub SIGMA (Y)>. The foregoing allows us to select an economically feasible diameter for the discharge pipelines of mine drainage plants. The value of the economically feasible diameter (when using this criterion) is greater than when using the criterion of minimizing the production function P(Y). Therefore, it is possible to achieve maximum economic efficiency. Using reserve pipelines allows the value of the production function P(Y) to be decreased and the value of the integral (total) profit <$E P sub SIGMA (Y)> to be increased. For the first time, it has been noted that when using various criteria to determine the economically advantageous diameters of the main pipelines of a mine drainage plant, the value of the economically advantageous diameter does not depend on the number of reserve pipelines used. Originality. The research presents the theoretical substantiation of the feasibility of using economic and mathematical analysis in the search for optimal operating modes of drainage plants. We established the dependencies between the parameters of the drainage unit and the indicators of economic efficiency. This allows us to optimize the electromechanical system for energy consumption. We proposed a method for selecting the number and diameter of pressure pipelines of a mine drainage plant, taking into account a set of technological parameters that provide maximum profit. Practical value. We selected and justified the search criteria for the optimal mode of the electromechanical mine drainage. We also developed an algorithm and software package for determining the rational diameter and number of pipelines. Mathematical dependencies make it possible to optimize the operation of a drainage plant according to two criteria, which, taking into account 20 % of the electrical consumption by a drainage system in the mine's energy balance, creates additional opportunities for increasing the energy efficiency of mining enterprises.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И174-51


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