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Bochkovskyi A. 
Improvement of risk management principles in occupational health and safety = Удосконалення принципів управління ризиками у сфері охорони праці / A. Bochkovskyi // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 4. - С. 94-104. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To improve the risk management principles in occupational health and safety. Methodology. In study the following set of scientific methods was used: analysis of scientific and technical literature and international normative legal documents on the construction and operation of occupational health and safety management systems; probabilistic-statistical methods; the theory of Markov processes; methods of formalization. Findings. The main problems that make it impossible to objectively implement the PDCA process in modern occupational health and safety management systems in organizations are identified. It is noted that the identified problems are related to: uncertainty of the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 regarding the purposes, sequence and results of each procedure of the PDCA process in occupational health and safety; inadequacy of methodological support of the main stages of the Plan procedure; lack of practical opportunities for objective implementation of Do, Check, Act procedures. The prerequisites are established for the transition of the systems of health care (HC) and occupational safety support (OSS) to the new concept of proactive risk management (based on the operation of two small cycles within the PDCA process), which allows ensuring the existence of objective relationships between all procedures of the PDCA process; increasing the efficiency of the HC and OSS systems through providing the ability to manage the impact of negative factors on the employee by certain parameters; determination of clear cause and effect relationships between the parameters of the impact of negative factors on the employee and the incident, as well as other benefits. The possibility of application of the automated system of complex protection of employees from occupational dangers was substantiated to solve practical problems of the new concept of PDCA in the HC and OSS systems in the organizations. Originality. For the first time, the concept of proactive risk management based on the principles of small cycles in the PDCA process was substantiated and proposed for use in the HC and OSS systems. Practical value. The obtained results will be used for development of projects of changes in the maintenance and structure of the international standards ISO 45001:2018, IEC/ISO 31010:2019, ISO 31000:2018.

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