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Trus I. M. 
The study of the particular aspects of water purification from the heavy metal ions using the method of nanofiltration = Вивчення особливостей очищення води від іонів важких металів при використанні методу нанофільтрації / I. M. Trus, M. D. Gomelya, I. M. Makarenko, A. S. Khomenko, G. G. Trokhymenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 4. - С. 117-123. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To develop highly efficient technologies for deep purification of natural water and wastewater from heavy metal compounds and ions using nanofiltration membranes and complexes to prevent water pollution and protect people and natural objects from the effects of highly toxic pollutants. Methodology. To remove copper ions from the investigated solutions, potassium ferrocyanide was used as a precipitant; the cationic flocculant Zetag-7547 was used to improve the sedimentation properties of the obtained solid phase. To extract copper, zinc, cadmium, and nickel ions, HEDP and NTMP complexes were used at a concentration of 10 - 50 mg/dm<^>3. After adding the reagents, the solutions were desalted on a low pressure nanofiltration membrane OPMN-P. Findings. The optimal conditions for water purification from copper ions by complexation-nanofiltration method were determined. A method for efficient extraction of heavy metals from water to acceptable limits using complexones with subsequent nanofiltration desalination was developed. Originality. As a result of the conducted research, dependence of productivity of nanofiltration membrane OPMN-P on the pressure, selectivity to ions of copper, zinc, cadmium, nickel and on the degree of selection of permiatewas was established. The dependence of the efficiency of pollutant extraction on the type and consumption of complexoneswas was established. It is shown that the hardness ions, hydrocarbons, chlorides, sulfates reduce the selectivity of the nanofiltration membrane to heavy metal ions, so it is proposed to increase the efficiency of the process to prepurify water on the anionite AV-17-8 in the basic form. Potassium ferrocyanide was used as a precipitant to remove copper ions from the test solutions, and a solution of the cationic flocculant Zetag-7547 was used to improve the sedimentation properties of the obtained solid phase, followed by purification on a nanofiltration membrane, which allowed increasing the degree of extraction of Cu<^>2+ ions to 99,6 %. Practical value. The optimal technological parameters of heavy metal ions extraction from aqueous solutions by means of nanofiltration methods using complexons are substantiated in the work. The developed methods for the extraction of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions allow reducing their concentrations to normative values. Integrated technologies for water purification from heavy metals make it possible to reduce the man-caused impact on the environment by improving water quality and reducing the amount of waste generated, and to improve the environmental situation in the region.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Н761.204


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