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Zalizko V. 
Economic security of Ukraine: innovative concept of strengthening in the context of COVID-19 = Економічна безпека України: інноваційний концепт зміцнення в умовах СOVID-19 / V. Zalizko, D. Nowak, P. Kukhta // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 4. - С. 152-158. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Formation of an innovative concept of Ukraine's economic security strengthening in the context of COVID-19 on the basis of systematization and generalization of domestic and international experience in strengthening of national economic security during crisis events. Methodology. The developed conceptual model for assessing Ukraine's economic security integrates the methodological recommendations of domestic and Polish research centers to determine the relevant integral index, which will be used as the only indicator of the national economy protection level. The scientific basis of the proposed model is the methodology of integral assessment, which determines the weight of sub-indices and indicators that will characterize the level of the integral index of the country's economic security in crisis conditions. Findings. A theoretical approach is substantiated to the formation of an innovative concept of Ukraine's economic security strengthening in the context of COVID-19, which provides for the formation of the gig-economic space as a new key driver of the national economy in the context of global epidemiological instability. An innovative system of weighted indicators of the economic security integral index is proposed. The proposals for the use of blockchain technologies make it possible to attract domestic public investment for training, soft loans and retraining of the economically active population in the amount of 1 billion dollars. Originality. The scientific novelty of the proposed research is to modernize the assessment system of economic security of Ukraine by introducing a new weighting system of indicators and epidemiological sub-index, the use of which will allow more accurate forecasting and increase the efficiency of the state management of economic safety of national economy in the context of the epidemic and the financial crisis. Practical value. The proposed methodological approach forms a reliable theoretical basis for solving a number of scientific and practical problems related to the search for quick and effective management solutions caused by the new economic policy, as well as provides practical financial and economic tools to strengthen the economic security of Ukraine in the context of structural innovation and investment changes caused by COVID-19.

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