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Zagirniak D. 
Rationalization of the choice of professional education in the context of the needs of business environment = Раціоналізація вибору професійної освіти в контексті потреб бізнес-середовища / D. Zagirniak, O. Kratt, M. Zagirnyak // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 4. - С. 158-163. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Rationalization of the person's choice of the HE in relation to the personnel needs of the branch business environment based on determining the number of positions and staff units by educational degree in the branch directory of specialties. Methodology. The method of rational choice of the future profession by a potential consumer of educational services (taking Mining specialty as an example), based on the parameterization of professional and qualification needs of mining enterprises as the subjects of the branch business environment. Findings. Methodical recommendations on the professional orientation of the individual in the context of the needs of the branch business environment (mining enterprises) have been formed. The low level of educational pragmatism in the behavior of educational service consumers is explained by the lack of professional experience. When choosing a profession, applicants focus on the specialties offered by educational standards rather than the needs of employers. In particular, staffing of mining enterprises reflects the qualitative and quantitative composition of the professional and qualification needs of employers, recorded in job descriptions. The methodical recommendations are in the form of a Directory that contains qualitative (specialty) and quantitative (staff units) aspects of the mining industry's impersonal staffing needs, allowing employers to influence prospective students' consumer preferences as to future employment, vocation and qualification characteristics. This, on the one hand, will greatly improve the professional orientation of the person, and, on the other hand, will release the personnel needs of the mining industries as the basis of Ukrainian business environment to public. Originality. Rationalization of qualitative the individual's choice of higher education and the most useful profession for future employment due to releasing and quantitative aspects of the personnel needs of the mining industry to public in the Directory of specialties. Practical value. Public consolidation of the personnel needs of mining companies in the Directory of specialties required in the branch labor market allows employers to influence effectively the choice of potential consumers of professional educational services in Mining.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч471.203


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