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Ostrovska H. Y. 
Development of intellectual potential at systematic paradigm of knowledge management = Розвиток інтелектуального потенціалу в системній парадигмі менеджменту знань / H. Y. Ostrovska, L. Ya. Maliuta, R. P. Sherstiuk, I. V. Lutsykiv, I. A. Yasinetska // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 4. - С. 171-178. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To deepen the methodological foundations and produce recommendations on building the integrated system of knowledge management as a tool of intellectual potential of the industrial enterprise development based on the principles of quality management to achieve the main strategic goal. Methodology. The methodological basis of knowledge management includes: the theory of the knowledge economy, entrepreneurship, institutionalism, microeconomic theory of knowledge management, the theory of the transformation of knowledge, acquiring new knowledge, the concept of a learning organization, the concept of "triple helix". The basis of the methodology application is system analysis as a scientific method of research on knowledge management organizations functions. Findings. Theoretical and applied generalization was carried regarding the formation of the concept of industrial enterprise knowledge management in conditions of knowledge-based economy. A new understanding was proposed of the essence of the categories of "knowledge management of industrial enterprises" and "knowledge management system of industrial enterprises". The introduction of knowledge management system was justified that provides for improvement of the knowledge accumulation and integration processes in the field of enterprise activity, knowledge sharing between employees and key stakeholders. Recommendations are developed to improve the knowledge management processes at industrial enterprises, and mechanisms are proposed for their practical implementation. Originality. The methodology of enterprise management as a dynamic system based on knowledge management was improved. A concept of holistic knowledge management system development and methodical support of its effective use were developed. The suggested integrative model of the enterprise knowledge management system in the mainstream approach process reflects practical aspects of knowledge management concept and is based on the principles of quality management with the purpose of transforming the enterprise into a self-learning organization. The implementation of this concept gives the possibility to create a viable, effective control system for each company that ensures permanent performance of the formation and implementation of learning processes across all business units and in all forms. Practical value. The proposed development and recommendations of the authors can be used in the context of improving the intellectual potential management efficiency growth to increase economic added value due to generating the organizational knowledge.

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