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Lytvyn A. 
Formation of research competence at the university: economic and managerial aspects = Формування дослідницької компетенції в університеті: економічний та управлінський аспекти / A. Lytvyn, O. Novak, S. Laun // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 4. - С. 179-184. - Бібліогр.: 23 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To study the features of the influence of economic factors and management on the formation of research competence at the university as a social institution, as well as their reverse effect. Namely, the influence of university graduates with research competence on the socio-economic development of the state. Methodology. The authors used the "qualitative meta-synthesis" approach as the main research method. The authors carried out metasynthetic work, i.e., studied the currently available literature on the stated problem of the study, considered existing practices, as well as their results. The thematic coding strategy based on the selection and use of pragmatic and metadiscourse markers was used to synthesize the obtained research results. Findings. The authors found that the attitude to and the ways of forming research competence are determined by the State policy in the field of education. In economically developed countries, research competence is one of the key markers that reveal the effectiveness of the relationship between the state and the university as a social institution. The state stimulates the development of university laboratories and research centers in exchange for professional researchers who ensure the socio-economic development of society. Originality. The authors identified two key markers for the formation of research competence in university education. The first is targeted state education policy. The second is the economic and managerial autonomy of universities, which allows them to turn university laboratories into research centers that can effectively solve problems of state, regional, and global scale. Practical value. The results obtained are necessary to clarify the process of reforming the Ukrainian education system. They adapt the world experience to Ukrainian reality and establish key markers for the development of economic and managerial relations between the state and the university as a social institution.

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