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Volkov V. 
Determining the efficient management system for a specialized transport enterprise = Визначення ефективної системи управління спеціалізованим транспортним підприємством / V. Volkov, I. Taran, T. Volkova, O. Pavlenko, N. Berezhnaja // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 4. - С. 185-191. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To identify the efficient management system for a specialized transport enterprise in terms of the varied demand owing to the parameter optimization and cost reduction. Methodology. An approach to identify management system of the specialized transport enterprise has been proposed relying upon the system analysis principles and upon the apparatus of queuing theory. Construction of the regression models involved formalization of expenditures connected with order servicing, while a level of the parameter system effect on the estimated figure was determined using regression analysis. Findings. Analysis of the theoretical evidence has shown that despite the numerous developed approaches intended to improve management systems for enterprises of different branches, which propose modern methods and models, it is required to develop absolutely cost-effective and adaptive procedure to determine the efficient management system for a specialized transport enterprise. An approach determining such an efficient management system exemplified by a business unit of Illich Iron & Steel Works PJSC (Mariupol) has been proposed. Its implementation anticipates two levels: in terms of service parameters, and in terms of expenditures connected with order service of the enterprise. For the purpose, a mathematical model of such an order service system has been developed. The model takes into consideration various probability factors (i.e. ordering moments, service period, and others). Moreover, service costs have been formalized to identify optimum conditions. Values of the latter and influence parameters have been applied to develop regression models in the power form with a nonzero coefficient. The models will help identify online optimum service conditions and make managerial decisions concerning variation of the number of repair crews, vehicles, and so on. Originality. For the first time, the paper proposes an approach as for the determination of the efficient management system for a specialized transport enterprise based upon a queuing theory taking into consideration a system analysis in the interaction between production enterprises and transport ones. Moreover, forecast models are developed concerning expenditures connected with order service of mining and metallurgical companies depending upon the number of crews, service time variations and the order quantities. Practical value. The approach is the theoretical background to improve interaction between the specialized transport enterprises, and mining and metallurgical companies. The models may be used to develop efficient management system relying upon determination of ratio number of repair crews and vehicles at a motor transport enterprise; in turn, that will help to reduce expenditures connected with the resource use.

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