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Shtelmashenko A. 
Constructing simulacres as an element of modern information warfare / A. Shtelmashenko // Наук. часоп. Акад. нац. безпеки. - 2019. - № 1/2. - С. 126-133. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

Purpose: to analyze and disclose the role and significance of simulacres in the context of modern information wars. The methodology became the main methods as general science - analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, and such kind of methodological principles as transdisciplinarity and systemic. Results It was discovered that construction and use of simulacra in the confrontation between states, as well as in the struggle for political power today, has become of a total character, which is especially manifested in the context of armed conflicts and information wars. It is established that modern media for one or another purpose constantly generate simulacra, and the information that surrounds a person in her everyday life is quite often distorted (false), since the simulacra distorts the truth, and reality is translated into a so-called hyperreality, when the overwhelming part Individuals (human beings) can not distinguish a copy from the original, which is a real danger to its life. It has proved that the total (character of the use of simulacra in the postmodern era raises a real danger to national security, as well as the accumulated over the centuries of cultural values of modern civilization. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the article proves and reveals the mechanism of creating simulacres for the active functioning of information warfare. The practical values of the results of the present study may be useful within the framework of the struggle for the information space for the sake of national security and the preservation of independence.

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