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Pozdnyshev M. O. 
Experimental research on hydraulic resistance of deformed woven meshes = Експериментальне дослідження гідравлічного опору деформованих сіток / M. O. Pozdnyshev, S. O. Davydov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 5. - С. 75-81. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Experimental verification and refinement of methodology for calculating the hydraulic resistance coefficient of meshes with micron-sized square cells for the case of deformed meshes cell whose shape differs from a square shape. Methodology. To achieve the goal of the research, the experimental method is used. The theoretical value of the hydraulic resistance coefficient of the deformed mesh is determined based on the obtained mathematical model of the deformed mesh cell. The values of pressure losses on the meshes and their hydraulic resistance coefficients are determined using experimental blowing of the mesh samples with air. The type of empirical coefficient is determined by comparing analytical calculations and experimental results. Findings. The values of hydraulic pressure losses are experimentally determined depending on the flow rate for various types of meshes with different values of the wire weave angle. Originality. It was found that the values of the coefficient of hydraulic resistance of deformed meshes are less than those of undeformed ones for the same values of the mesh open area ratio. This is indicative of the influence of the cell shape not only due to the change in the mesh open area ratio, but also due to the nature of the flow around the mesh fibers when its shape changes from square to diamond. The experiments proved that this effect is observed when the wire weave angles are less than 80<^>o and can be taken into account by the empirical shape factor. The type of dependence of the shape factor on the wire weave angle has the form of a 3<^>rd degree polynomial function. Practical value. By the deforming of mesh weave structure it is possible to reduce its hydraulic resistance coefficient compared to the undeformed mesh having the same open area. The analytical method for calculating the hydraulic resistance coefficient of deformed meshes depending on the wire weave angle is refined using the obtained dependence for the shape factor. The methodology consists in the multiplication of the hydraulic resistance coefficient, that is calculated on the basis of the dependences for undeformed meshes, by the value of the shape factor, that depends on the wire weave angle.

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