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Zachko O. B. 
Models of technical systems management for the forest fire prevention = Моделі управління технічними системами запобігання виникнення лісових пожеж / O. B. Zachko, D. O. Chalyy, D. S. Kobylkin // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 5. - С. 129-135. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Today, in Ukraine and in the world, despite the rapid development of science and technology, there is a problem of developing as well as improving and adapting information, organizational and technical systems capable of preventing forest fires. The object of the study is the process of identification and formation the parameters of safety-oriented management of technical systems of forest fire prevention. Purpose. To develop new approaches to the safety-oriented project management of technical systems of forest fire prevention, and their modeling, based on the principles of system analysis. Methodology. Using the general scientific principles and fundamental provisions of the project management methodology, including system analysis, modeling tools, proactive and reactive management mechanisms, we form a triad of creating the concept of designing a portfolio of technical systems for environmental protection against forest fires. Findings. A conceptual triad of model-scheme of formation of the portfolio of projects of technical systems for protection of environment from forest fires is presented. A cybernetic model of the "black box" for decision making management during the implementation of the project of the technical system of forest fire prevention is adapted; the impact of factors that may occur under the influence of turbulent internal and external environment on the project is described. A safety-oriented model of project management of the technical system of forest fire prevention is developed, which is characterized by the presence of sub-phases of the life cycle, which are critical places of the project, have their own time frame of operation and resource consumption. Originality. The model of safety-oriented project management of the technical system of forest fire prevention is developed and subphases in the basic phases of the project life cycle are identified. The developed models are adapted for use in different countries because they are formed in accordance with international standards for project, programs and portfolio of projects management P2M, PmBok, PRINCE2, AGILE, KANBAN. Practical value. It is possible to use the obtained results in the practical activities of project, operational and management teams of authorities, emergency services and managers in the formation of national projects to prevent forest fires.

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