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Vaintraub M. 
Strategic risk management in the development of university education in Ukraine = Стратегічне управління ризиками в розвитку університетської освіти в Україні / M. Vaintraub, I. Kamenska, O. Bokshyts // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 5. - С. 143-149. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To analyze the risks in the development of university education in Ukraine, to present a model of strategic risk management. Methodology. The authors used the following methods: scientific generalization to justify the characteristics of current risks, the development of university education in Ukraine; the logical method allowed the authors to formulate conclusions, risk signs and indicators; the modeling method allowed presenting risk management in the form of a structural model. Findings. The risks in the development of university education in Ukraine were identified and justified. A mathematical model of strategic risk management was proposed. The authors developed risk mitigation recommendations based on their relevance to universities presently and in future. Originality. The current risks in the development of university education in Ukraine were analyzed, scientific ideas of possible solutions to mitigate them were proposed, a strategic risk management model for the near future and in perspective is presented. Practical value. The practical implementation of the mathematical model of strategic risk management provides an algorithm of actions to reduce or eliminate them. The results of the study of the problem considered can be useful to the leadership of universities, experts on rating assessment of universities, the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, scientists when studying trends and risks. The degree of elimination and mitigation of risks can be one of the main criteria for evaluating the activities of the university, its structural divisions, managers, scientific and pedagogical staff.

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