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Nikolina I. I. 
Assessment of digitalization of public management and administration at the level of territorial communities = Оцінювання цифровізації публічного управління та адміністрування на рівні територіальних громад / I. I. Nikolina, I. O. Hulivata, L. P. Husak, L. M. Radzihovska, I. I. Nikolina // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 5. - С. 150-156. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To substantiate methodology for applying mathematical methods to the assessment of digitalization of public management and administration, approbation of the authors' model of this assessment at the level of territorial communities. Methodology. Theoretical (analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization) and empirical (observation, mathematical and statistical analysis, modelling, comparison) research methods are applied. Findings. The analysis of the process of digital governance formation in Ukrainian realities and the research on conceptual approaches of global indices to the assessment of developing digital society and digital governance made it possible to develop analytical tools adapted to the specifics of digital development content at the local level. The authors prove that the assessment of digital governance will increase the reliability of the process of decision development and decision making in the sphere of management of complex multi-level socio-economic systems, providing an opportunity of assessing different strategies of digital transformation. The authors propose their own tested model in order to provide full understanding of digitalization of public management and administration at the local level. It is proved that the authors' methodology allows for a systematic analysis of the state of digitalization of public management and administration at the level of territorial communities. Originality. The scientific novelty consists in the statement and solution of the problem of improving the methodological tools for assessing the digitalization of public management and administration at the level of territorial communities by using four indicators of the integrated index: sub-indices of service provision quality and public information access, website functionality, digital socio-political inclusion, internal electronic document management system of local self-government bodies. Practical value. A practical example of implementation of the above-mentioned model is demonstrated in order to provide full understanding of the level of digital transformation at the local level.

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