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Shvets V. 
Theoretical and methodological foundations for the evaluation of management efficiency of joint investment institutions = Теоретико-методичні засади оцінювання ефективності управління інститутами спільного інвестування / V. Shvets, O. Tryfonova, H. Solomina, Ya. Petrova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 5. - С. 178-183. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The study is aimed at substantiation of theoretical and methodological foundations for the integrated evaluation of management efficiency of joint investment institutions from the viewpoint of formation of their asset portfolios and potential of the schemes on the whole. Methodology. Basic results of the study were obtained with the use of scientific and theoretical analysis of academic papers as well as information and analytical data concerning the problematics of activities by the joint investment institutions. A technique of scientific generalization was applied to state the science-based problems, and to formulate conclusions according to the study results. The proposed theoretical and methodological approach to evaluate management efficiency of the joint investment institutions has been substantiated with the use of analytical and system methods. Findings. The economic prerequisites, influencing heavily management efficiency of the joint investment institutions, their investment attractiveness, and economic security, have been determined. A role of consideration of cost value of the joint investment institutions in the process of their management efficiency evaluation is emphasized. An integrated approach to evaluate management efficiency is proposed which, on the one hand, provides evaluation of the efficiency of formation of investment portfolio of the scheme involving earning yield as well as riskiness of the asset portfolio together with the time-dependent stability measure of income receipts on the investment assets; on the other hand, it forecasts efficiency of the scheme on the whole. Tendencies for substantiation of managerial decisions aimed at the improved efficiency of the joint investment institutions are outlined. Originality. Methodological foundations to evaluate management efficiency of a collective investment scheme have been substantiated theoretically. They involve the integrated evaluation of its investment portfolio yield taking into consideration dynamic characteristics of asset value, the portfolio riskiness, and efficiency of the scheme on the whole. Practical value. The proposed theoretical and methodological approach to evaluate management efficiency of a collective investment scheme makes it possible to improve rapidness of managerial decision-making as for the yield enhancement and risk mitigation of the scheme asset portfolio; it can favour the provision of all players of the collective investment market with the objective information on investment attractiveness and on the degree of financial security of the investment fund and asset management companies.

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