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Honcharov Yu. V. 
Paradigm of state regulation and structural transformation of the national economy from the standpoint of homeostasis = Парадигма державного регулювання та структурної трансформації національної економіки з позицій гомеостазису / Yu. V. Honcharov, I. Yu. Shtuler, V. V. Serzhanov, T. O. Makukh // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 5. - С. 184-192. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The work presents the substantiation of the paradigm of state regulation and structural transformation of the national economy. The problem that is raised is the question of the existence of the national economy to development from the standpoint of homeostasis through the analysis of the current situation for compliance with the prevailing conditions and the ability to adapt to change. Methodology. In the course of work, research was carried out based on the key provisions of modern economic theory and the latest concepts of economic development. Methods of theoretical modeling and structural-logical analysis, systematization, grouping, logical generalization are used. To achieve the goal, general and special methods of research on processes and phenomena were used, namely: methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis to explain the processes of interconnection, highlight key elements and characterize other important categories for research. The application of the system-structural approach made it possible to reveal the paradigm of state regulation and structural transformation of the national economy from the standpoint of homeostasis. Findings. The gradual development of any economic system is cyclical; the negative impact of market fluctuations is marked. One of the conditions, inherent in development, is the transformation of the economic system caused by the crisis. At the micro level for the economic system, the content, state and depth of the crisis is manifested in the exacerbation of contradictions, which does not allow the full use of national resources. At the macro level, this is manifested in an increase in the number of the unemployed, lower capacity utilization, and so on. Such an economic situation requires a new paradigm of state regulation and structural transformation of the national economy from the standpoint of homeostasis. Development trends of other countries and the potential of Ukraine determine the multiplicity of ideas by combining elements of world experience of economic development models. It is established that the "ideal" model of national economy development within the new paradigm of state regulation and structural transformation of the national economy from the standpoint of homeostasis should be taken into account when creating a comprehensive system of integrity and security of the national economy depending on the external environment. Originality. The originality of the research consists in finding an effective combination of internal and external mechanisms, imperatives, methods and tools that must be considered when creating a comprehensive system of economic development. One of the areas of improvement is to build a model of such development from the standpoint of homeostasis within the paradigm of state regulation and structural transformation of the national economy. The concept of homeostasis is currently fundamental in the development of society. According to the results of scientific research, the forms of influence on the development of the national economy from the standpoint of homeostasis are determined, and a generalized structural and logical scheme of organization and regulation of the national economy from the same perspective is proposed. Practical value. The results of the study can be used by government officials, scientists and practitioners to develop scenarios for the economic development of the national economy.

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